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Elder Law & Special Needs Planning

The Autism Community and the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 21, 2020

April is National Autism Awareness Month which encourages and promotes acceptance and support for the Autism community throughout the nation. 

In 1970, The Autism Society launched its nationwide effort to promote awareness so that those with autism could achieve the highest quality of life possible. 

This April, we are all unfortunately in self-isolation due to the COVID-19 outbreak. For this reason, we want to bring awareness to those with special needs who are impacted by the pandemic. 

How is COVID-19 Affecting the Special Needs Community?

COVID-19 is impacting the special needs community in many ways, and we understand that our clients and their families are feeling incredibly anxious and frightened during this time. 

Not only are they worried about the virus impacting their health, but they also have to deal with the loss of a community and the support in their daily lives. Many of those with special needs rely on trusted individuals for daily living needs and may not be able to have face-to-face contact right now. 

The Autism Community and the COVID-19 Pandemic | Chubb Law Firm

For individuals with autism, daily routines and set programs are a source of comfort and familiarity. With the COVID-19 outbreak, these have been severely affected - sometimes halted completely. This can cause distress, anxiety, and might lead to suffering setbacks in daily life. 

With lockdowns enforced, a child with autism might not be able to receive the physical or occupational therapy needed and received when attending school causing setbacks and regression. Being at home for long periods of time can also cause a lot of frustration for both children and parents alike. 

What is the Solution?

The Autism community is facing a lot of pressure at the moment, and we understand how difficult these times are for anybody affected by autism. 

The Autism Society of America has put together a toolkit on its website to help those with autism and their caregivers during the pandemic. 

The toolkit has information you need to know about COVID-19 and many resources to help you through this hard time. The resources they have provided will help with improving:

For the full Toolkit from The Autism Society of America, click here.

The Autism Society of America has also started a Facebook Live series dedicated to providing relevant, COVID-19 information for the Autism community. The weekly broadcast is a great opportunity for you to regularly keep up to date with current events.

To view upcoming Facebook live Events as well as watch past event recordings, click here.

We know there is a limit to what we can do to help you during these unusual and uncertain times, but we are still open for business and we are ready to support you. 

Our experienced team will help you navigate through this complex time and help you through the new challenges that appear every day. 

We are here to listen and help you the best we can.

Schedule a Discovery Meeting with us by calling (916) 241-9661 to review your goals and discuss your options.

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