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Practice Areas

Elder Law & Medi-Cal

The right legal and senior care solutions can help you or a loved one facing long-term care needs and expenses. Read More...

Special Needs

Allows your special needs loved one to continue to receive the government benefits he or she is entitled to without interruption. Read More...

Estate Planning & Trusts

Protect you and your loved ones from unnecessary expenses and time delay of government interference while staying in control. Read More...

Veteran Aid & Attendance

For wartime veterans and their spouses, a little known benefit from the VA exists to help cover costs associated with the long-term care. Read More...


Probate becomes necessary when there was a lack of planning and can be costly and stressful. Read More...


Conservatorship occurs when no planning or incomplete planning is in place and a person becomes incapacitated. Read More...

Representing families through varying stages of life...

Traditional two parent families or single parents
wishing to provide for and protect their children and themselves.
Unmarried couples who are solidifying their relationship through proper planning
Blended families negotiating the challenges of creating new relationships with varying expectations
Families with special needs loved ones seeking to provide protection and resources without jeopardizing eligibility for critical public benefits (SSI, Medi-Cal, etc.)
Older families negotiating the intricacies and pitfalls of long-term care planning, including using government benefits (Medi-Cal and Veterans Administration)
Estate executors and beneficiaries navigating the court process of probate administration.
Trustees, beneficiaries, or family members carrying out the legacy left behind through a trust administration.

Our Practice

With The Chubb Law Firm, you receive a personalized, educational and proactive services. 

By spending the time getting to know you and your unique situation we’re able to determine your individual needs, desires and values. From there, we’re able to tailor a plan to best fulfill your wishes. 

In addition to creating new estate plans, we also review and revise existing plans appropriately.

Our approach to estate planning is a little different than most. 

We believe in a modern estate plan to prepare for all life’s transitions putting your life and wishes first. Living longer brings the possibility of an extended period of disability, incapacity and late life marriages. All presenting issues that must be addressed in a comprehensive plan. In other words, a modern estate plan does not only focus on planning for death or controlling things from the grave.

Because life is constantly changing, each estate plan includes no-charge reviews every 3 years to ensure the maximum protection and peace of mind. 

While creating the best estate plan for you and your family is important, we also handle all aspects of administration after the death of a loved one. While planning to avoid court involvement is our primary focus, we recognize plans may be inadequate or non-existing. For those families, we offer probate and conservatorship services.

Learn How We WorkSee Our Estate Plan Options

Our Philosophy

Our goal is to provide all of our clients with peace of mind.

Know that your loved ones are protected with a well-crafted modern estate plan. We are more than just creating a collection of papers. We join your family journey in providing guidance and a roadmap for anticipating contingencies and handling many life transitions. Become a part of our client family and feel how much we care.

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I totally see the difference between your service and your typical legal estate planning service. The experience you mentioned where you get this big document you don’t understand and a trust that never gets funded was EXACTLY our first experience. It cost a small fortune too. Really - it is the difference between providing a legal document and providing an estate planning service.

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