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Webinar: 5 Modern Estate Planning Tips to Protect You and Your Loved Ones

When it comes to protecting your family, your wishes, and everything you’ve worked a lifetime to build, wouldn’t you rather get it right?

Before you get a Will, Trust or Estate Plan, you should know that not all plans are created equal. 

Most plans do not protect your assets and will not work as you intended them to when the time comes. 

Join Life Transition Lawyer Heather Chubb for a free resource to discover how to make sure your wishes are carried out exactly as you want.

It will help you get straight answers and finally take action to properly protect you and your loved ones or upgrade the plan you have. 

During this Webinar, you will discover: 

  • If you need a Will, Trust or something more? And why a trust that just covers estate taxes and probate simply isn’t good enough anymore.
  • How to maximize the assets you leave to your children AND protect their inheritance from greedy spouses and lawsuits. 
  • How your plan can address the different needs of each of your loved ones now, AND adjust to their changing needs after you’re gone.
  • Why your power of attorney may be *powerless* to protect you and your family and what you must do about it.
  • Why putting your house into your children's names may be one of the biggest mistakes you ever make!
  • How to avoid losing the family home or having your life savings wiped out by long-term care costs without purchasing long-term care insurance.
  • Why doing your plan once and then forgetting it is a recipe for disaster. 

Even if you have an estate plan or a living trust, new laws and overlooked items may mean your current plan is out of date or won’t work as intended.

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Thanks for holding my hand. So glad you made things easier for me. I really don't know how I would have understood any of this without your knowledge.