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Our Estate
Planning Process

What to Expect

Our friendly, client-centered approach allows us to customize plans based on your individual circumstances and goals.

Our 3 meeting process begins with the design meeting where get to know each other and pull together the details of your customized plan.  At the second meeting you will review, sign and implement your new plan.  The third meeting provides the opportunity to check in and ensure that your plan is properly funded.

We make planning easy, understandable and comfortable for you. Our entire process can be completed in about eight weeks and once it’s complete you’ll have a comprehensive modern plan that protects you and your family.

The end goal is to do much more than prepare a set of papers; it’s to give you sound legal advice and provide results that will benefit you and your loved ones for many years to come. So don’t count on putting a binder on your shelf that you’ll never look at again; this is just the beginning of our relationship with you.

Modern estate plans that work require ongoing maintenance to fine tune them to your changing needs and goals and changes in the law. That’s why we’ll stay in touch and offer a free-of-charge review of your plan every three years. Our lasting relationship is how you’ll know your family is protected long into the future.

Our Process

Peace of Mind Planning Session
  • You teach us about your family
  • Identify your goals and discuss your areas of concern
  • Design solutions to address your concerns and meet your goals
Between Meetings
  • You receive your Flowchart and Asset Inventory
  • You confirm accuracy of Flowchart and Inventory; you request any desired changes.
Signing Meeting
(4-5 weeks after planning session)
  • We review your plan and plan documents
  • We answer your questions
  • You sign your plan documents
  • We review your Funding Toolkit
Between Meetings
  • You "fund" your trust following the instructions in your Funding Toolkit
  • We scan all your signed documents to our file
  • We create your organized Estate Planning Binder
Binder Delivery & Funding Status Meeting
(3-4 weeks after signing meeting)
  • We review and present you with your Binder containing your original Estate Plan documents
  • We check on the status of your Funding
  • We answer your questions
  • Your 60 Day "Final Review Window" starts
Final Review
(60 days)
  • You read and thoroughly review your estate plan documents
  • You contact us with any questions or desired changes (a final meeting may be requested)
  • Close of Final Review Window is the End of Engagement for Estate Plan Creation and Implementation

Estate Plan Maintenance

Review Meeting
Every 3 Years
  • We review changes in your life and the law and determine how those changes impact your plan
  • Requested changes to your plan are subject to a new engagement
Call The Chubb Law Firm today at (916) 241-9661to review your situation and discuss your options.
Click to See Our 4 Levels of Planning

Free Resources


A wonderful job! After watching my family deal with litigation after a death, this is so important for everyone, young and old.

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