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Uncover the VA's Best Kept Secret

Are you missing out on tax-free income from the Veterans Administration to offset medical expenses or cover costs related to long-term or in-home care?

Discovering Aid & Attendance: Pension Benefits For Veterans Who Served During a Period of War

The Aid and Attendance Pension is often referred to as the “VA’s Best Kept Secret.” This 3-tiered tax-free benefit is available for wartime veterans and their spouses who need financial assistance or simply need help covering the costs associated with long-term care or un-reimbursed medical expenses.

These critical benefits are overlooked by many families with Veterans or surviving spouses because the VA is not required to tell you if you qualify!

The purpose of the Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit is to help veterans offset the costs associated with nursing home, assisted living or in-home care. The benefit can even be used to pay a family member who oversees or provides the care for their loved-one.

There are 4 criteria for eligibility: service, income, net worth and medical expenses. You do not need to have a service-connected disability to qualify.

Unfortunately, accessing the benefits and working with the VA can be difficult. Many veterans are turned away because they don’t understand the VA’s rules or the planning available to help meet the VA’s asset and income requirements.  This free guide will help you determine the best legal and financial tools necessary to qualify and quickly help you get the benefits you deserve.

DO NOT disqualify yourself based on what you’ve read or heard in the past.  Never assume you are not eligible! This free Ebook shows you how to get through the government’s  “red-tape”!

Read our free Ebook to discover:

  • How to qualify for a little known or understood benefit from the VA that provides tax-free income for wartime vets to pay for your (or your spouse’s) care
  • How to use your VA pension benefits to pay a family member to provide you with in-home care
  • How to get the VA benefits you are entitled to, even if you think you have “too much income” or “too many assets” to qualify
  • How your IRA and other retirement accounts can affect eligibility for VA benefits, and what to do about it
  • How one wrong move when applying for VA benefits can put your future Medi-Cal benefits at risk
  • Why you should not “disqualify” yourself before finding out all of the facts.

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Thanks for holding my hand. So glad you made things easier for me. I really don't know how I would have understood any of this without your knowledge.