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Modern Estate Planning Blog

Elder Law & Special Needs Planning

Sacramento Estate Planning Attorney Urges You to Give the Ultimate Gift of Love this Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and love is in the air!

If you’re married or in a serious relationship, I can guarantee one of your “to-do’s” this month is to find that perfect gift for your special someone to show just how much you care.

Perhaps that means buying a shiny new piece of jewelry or sending an embarrassing display of roses, but for those of you looking for something a little more, “original”, might I suggest you consider the ultimate gift of love?

This gift is something not found in stores.

It certainly won’t fit in a box.

And while it may cost you a little bit of money, it is truly priceless and will hold deep meaning and value for generations to come.

So what is this ultimate gift of love?

Sacramento estate planning!

You see, there is no better way to show your loved one that you care now and forever more than to get your estate planning in order. By doing so you are essentially telling your significant other, “I want to make sure you are taken care of…. physically, financially and emotionally, no matter what life throws our way. I want to make sure the courts, federal government or disgruntled relatives never get in the way of my wishes for you. I want to protect you today, tomorrow and long after I am gone by means of this gift.”

If that doesn’t express true and forever love, I don’t know what else does.

So may I suggest you pass on the diamonds this year and give the gift that really says “forever” better than any piece of metal ever could?

Instead, give your me, your neighborhood Sacramento estate planning attorney a call at (916) 241-9661 and find out what it will take to make sure your significant other stays protected should something unexpectedly happen to you.

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I totally see the difference between your service and your typical legal estate planning service. The experience you mentioned where you get this big document you don’t understand and a trust that never gets funded was EXACTLY our first experience. It cost a small fortune too. Really - it is the difference between providing a legal document and providing an estate planning service.

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